Bishop Allan Kiuna will be buried today. His wife will say bye to the man she’s known for over 20 years. Cathy Kiuna will mourning for few months and move on. She’ll probably get another companion who will secretly replace Allan.
This is what happens in the society. Once you exit, they forget about you and replace you immediately…life must continue. Few years to come will forge Allan.
In life,don’t live to please others, live your life,enjoy to the fullest such that when your time cones you don’t regret the things you didn’t do, you’ll say,” even if I go I have lived “
There are people who’ve lived on this earth for 55 years, accumulated money but have never enjoyed what they have toiled for.They’ll leave everything for others to enjoy. These people always regret when they know their time to leave this world is up.
There are also others who’ve lived for 30 years but they are more than ready to leave because they’ve had fun and enjoyed life.
Life isn’t a rehearsal, you live once. Don’t postpone happiness.