If you are dating a lady and you want to marry her without losing her to another man, follow these ideas:.
- Respect her parents. Ladies don’t play with their parents.
- Do not be lousy. Ladies don’t like men who talk too much.
- Do not be stingy. Ladies hate stingy men.
- You should be neat; don’t be a dirty guy. Dress cute.
- Never you attempt to use a charm to win her heart. The charm can fail you, or she may eventually find out. She will hate you for it.
- Package yourself well and be a well organised guy.
- Have confidence. Be courageous.
- Give her a lot of attention or else she will go to another guy that gives her attention.
- Always appreciaete her dressing if it is decent. If it is not decent, correct her with love. If you don’t like the way she dresses, then you should buy her the type of cloths you want her to be wearing; don’t just condemn her cloths.
- Tell her everyday that you love her. Always remind her so that her mind will be on you always.
- Call her sweet names everyday..NB: Money is not the only way of getting a good girl; infact good girls don’t need your money. They just want you to make them happy. It is only bad and foolish girls that date guys because of money. Responsible girls don’t need your money; they need you to make them happy……..