“I am a daughter of a Pastor, my dad is the General overseer of our church. I’ve been married to one of the pastors in our church for 2 years now with no children yet. My husband is a very handsome and good looking young dude but even though he’s a pastor he womanizes a lot. I have caught him severally with young girls in church, even with my house help .
But in the light of not tarnishing the church’s image my father will handle it low key and everything will go back to normal. My siblings and my mum will often visit as we live in the same town. Whenever I have issues with my husband, I realized my mum will always take his side until I got tired and decided not to involve her in my issues anymore.
There was a time I had a miscarríage and my mum came to support me so she stayed with us for close to 2 months before going back. I was very appreciative of her support. Months later My dad told me my mum hasn’t been feeling too well, that her pregnancy is really dealing with her. I was upset with my dad asking him why they are still having more children at this age? Come on I’m 26 years old and our then last born was 10 years old. I had 4 siblings already.
Well my dad said it has happened, what do I want him to do? He wished I was the one pregnant instead.
Fast forward, my mom gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. I wasn’t around when she gave birth because I had enrolled in a master’s degree program in the university.
I visited her 2 months later during my semester break. When I carried the baby the first thing that struck me was the resemblance. Out of reflex I asked, why does the baby look so much like my husband? My mum laughed and said it’s the work of God.
Jokingly we all laughed. I just waved that idea behind me and let that thought die down. Mind you my relationship with my husband was great he visited me weekly during my studies. My younger brother is 1 year old now. Damn if you see him he’s a direct replica of my husband. Same face, same skin color, same physique, I mean the resemblance is too evident.
I’ve heard rumors around several times with people talking about this resemblance issue. This got me so worried that I had to ask my mum directly if this child belongs to my husband. She blatantly refused and scolded me for having the gods to confront her with such allegations.
I went home that day, after the evening service I confronted my husband to tell me the truth but things got out of hand He got me well be@ten. I ran to my parents house where I explained things to my father, that was when I saw the pain in my father’s voice. My father knew all these while it wasn’t his child but my husband’s.
He told me he had confronted my mom peacefully but she bashed at him saying certain harsh words he won’t like to repeat. He begged me to not blow things out of proportion but he assured me he will try to resolve things peacefully and if I choose to leave my husband, he won’t stop me. After listening to my father even though I felt his pain too, mine was too much for me to handle I outrightly confronted my mother, she tried intimidating me with her loud tone of voice but I wasn’t having it.
In the middle of our argument, she accepted and asked what do I want to do now? I froze like ice. My mom that I hold with high respect, look at what she did to me. The husband I love and my mom I adored ?? .
My own younger brother being my step son, my mom being my husband’s sick chick, I imagine my mom in bed with my husband, it seems my head was going to explode with all the wild thoughts that ran through my mind at that moment.
Ever since I left my parents house I didn’t return to my husband’s house. Where I am, I don’t think I will even like to reveal to anyone because at this moment. The betrayal is just too much. How do you handle such a situation? My head is almost messed up. Please I direly need advice.