I just found out that the man I’ve been dating for the past six months is a married man with two kids. He told me when we met that he was single and searching, he said he wanted someone serious to marry. Meanwhile, the first time I was to visit him he opted to come to my place instead as he said he stays with his brother because he doesn’t want to invest into getting a home when he would be Iiving alone so once we are ready to marry, he will rent a good apartment to suit our interest.
He also showed me a place he was building and even took me there, not knowing it’s a home he is building for his already existing family. He has constantly made us go to guest houses for the past Six months since I refused him coming to my place.
He doesn’t make us talk at night because he claims to sleep early and wake up to work online, not knowing he is a married man. This man has messed me up mentally. I never had access to his phone till he slept deeply on Wednesday at the guest house, and I opened his phone.
I saw from when he was dating the lady, down to their wedding and their kids. Even that morning, he made a video with his wife before leaving home. They seem like a very lovely family, his kids are young.
What hurt me most was that there was nothing of me on his phone. All the pics I sent him aren’t there. Even my contact isn’t saved, and our chats are deleted. I cried all throughout Wednesday till this morning. I can’t forgive him. I want to find his wife and make her aware of what her husband has put me through because this is deceit. I’ve used my phone to take pictures of us sleeping näkëd together.
I have also removed his wife’s number where I’ll send the picture evidence if she doubts me. Anything I do to him will work because he has hurt me badly. I don’t even know what I am doing to myself. I’m really hurt I need advice on how to handle this man. I’ll read comments.