If you buy 5 goats per month in 12 months you will have 60 mother stock (purchased) plus additional kids born from the ones bought at the beginning of your stocking plan.
If you buy 10 goats/sheep per month in 12 months you will have mother stock 120 goats/sheep (purchased) plus additional kids born from the ones bought at the first quarter of your stocking plan.
Do the maths let’s just say you have 60 kids to sell off , you will get some good dividends and still initial capital (mature mothers you bought still continue giving birth).
That’s how to grow “biological asset base”!! some financial strategy and disciple. before you start it will seem difficult but along the way, one day you will thank me.
You start now! every day counts in breeding space. each delayed date is a delay to your roi (return on investment) as well as to your retirement plan (for those who want to retire to a ranch)
The same spirit you have for solving other people problems or having spare change for entertainment is the same strength you need to pump into the farming space if in deed you are a big fan of livestock or you want to be part of the food security.