‘Faster growth, better laying and mouthwatering flavorful chickens!’
Chick Mash
Feed from Day 1 to Week 8
Total feed consumption 2.1 kg at 8 weeks per chick.
‘Chick mash helps your chick to build
a good body frame.’
At week 8 mix with Growers Mash to allow a smooth transition to the growing phase.
‘Growers mash helps your chicken to put on weight and to lay eggs earlier.’
Kienyeji Mash
Feed from week 8 to the point when the chickens reach a desirable weight and size.
for better laying performance, egg size and quality feed layers mash.
NB: You can either feed your kienyeji chickens either Growers mash or Kienyeji mash from week 8 to reach desirable weight or to the point of laying.
Layers Mash
For better laying performance, larger egg size and stronger better egg shells feed Layers Mash.
Feed consumption will be determined by the age and size of the chicken and its laying performance.
‘Layers mash helps your chicken to lay more good quality eggs.’
In addition to providing quality feeds to your livestock, good management is critical in achieving the optimum performance on your farm. From our many years of experience, we have developed the following guidelines to outline the basic management requirements to improve the performance of your farm.
Day old chicks
If buying chicks from external Sources look for strong healthy Kienyeji chicks from a reputable hatchery.
If hatching, ensure good hygienic hatching conditions.
Chicks should be checked and weighed. A good chick should weigh around 45 grams. It should have clear bright eyes, well developed feet, soft and well hydrated skin. The body should be dry with temperature of around 35.5 C and above all a contented happy chirp.
Provide a clean, hygienic brooding area for the newly hatched chicks
Chick Mash
The newly hatched chick requires very specific nutrients to develop its gastro intestinal tract and immune response system.