Here Is The Direct Message To Ford Foundation President From Kenyan Govt


Mr. Darren Walker
The Ford Foundation
Dear Mr. Walker,

On behalf of the Government of Kenya, I wish to express our appreciation for Ford Foundation’s historical contributions to Kenya’s development. Your recent visit and the Foundation’s continued commitment to working with the Kenyan people through civil society and state organs are deeply valued.

However, as you may be aware, protests have recently rocked the country resultingin loss of lives and destruction to property. These protests begun as efforts aimed at resisting the government’s revenue raising proposals contained in the Finance Bill,an annual legislation mandated to implement the national budget. Despite various concessions by the Government, the demands of the protestors have morphed and escalated into attempts at toppling the country’s democratically elected andconstitutionally sanctioned government under the guise of the right to demonstrateand assemble.

It is noteworthy that several of your Grantees below mentioned received a total ofUS$ 5.78 Million (approximately Kenya Shillings 752 Million) between April 2023and May 2024 – with unexplained expedited funding amounting to US$ 1.49 M
(approximately Kenya shillings 194 million) – over the last month alone.

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Deeplyconcerning is that most of the Grantees have been at the centre of the Anti-FinanceBill protests and the subsequent anarchic mobilizations that have sought to upendthe peace and security of the state:

  • Africa Uncensored Limited (Project Mulika) (US$ 250,000)
  • Women’s Link Worldwide; (US$ 750,000)

•Transform Empowerment for Action Initiative: (US$ 220,000)

•Kenya Human Rights Commission; (US$ 600,000)

•Open Institute Trust; (US $100,000)
Africa Centre for Open Governance: (US$ 200,000)

•Transparency International: (US$ 300,000)

•The Institute for Social Accountability (TISA); (US$ 200,000)

•National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (K); (US$ 257,000)

•Coalition for Grassroots Human Rights Defenders Kenya (US$ 250,000)

•Community Aid International; (US$ 100,000)

•Mzalendo Trust; (US$ 335,000)

•Usikimye (Femicide); (US$ 30,000)

•Citizens Advancement Initiative; (US$ 150,000)

  • Centre for Resource Mobilization and Development; (US$ 20,000)
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You will concede that the above funds disbursed to non-state recipients aresubstantial and must be prudently used to serve legitimate purposes or risk abuse toaid nefarious ends. Thus, while we recognize the importance of maintaining an opencivic space and respect for the principles of open government that we both share,
the actions of some of your Grantees contravene the laws Kenya, includingprohibition against incitement, hate speech, insurrection and mobilization using disinformation.

Their conduct also fundamentally flouts Ford Foundation’s Non Lobbying Policy begging the question whether your Foundation has abandoned thispolicy and is now intent on adversely influencing the internal political and policy processes within the Republic of Kenya.

Noting the existing framework governing the cooperation of your Foundation andthe Kenya government, it is imperative that you immediately clear the air on a number of issues touching on your Grantees by responding to the followingrequests :

  1. Provide full details of your Grantees over the last year, the programmesapproved (particularly over the last three months), budgets for each project,the amounts so far disbursed and what is pipelined for disbursement:
  2. Furnish us with Reports from your Grantees detailing the activities carriedout, the cost of these activities and their beneficiaries;
  3. Share a report on Ford Foundation’s compliance with its Non-Lobbying Policy or a statement that this policy is inapplicable to its activities in thecountry.
  4. Prescribe any sanctions you will impose for breaches of the law or yourinternal policies.
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In looking forward to your expeditious response to the above issues, accept, dear Darren Walker, my sincere best regards.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. A Korir Sing’Oei
Principal Secretary
State Department for Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs
CC: The Prime Cabinet Secretary & Cabinet Secretary
Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs

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