“Ungeshikwa Na Polisi, Wewe Ni Mungiki” Here Is The Sad History Of Mungiki


When the government set out a squad to eliminate mungiki sect immediately after the 2007-08 clashes, every Kikuyu young man dreaded those times as any differences with anybody would end up having them being branded a mungiki.

Back then, ungeshikwa na polisi, wewe ni mungiki? Mngekosana na chief, wewe ni mungiki. Mtu angetaka kukumaliza, wewe ni mungiki. So many young men were killed, maimed or jailed wrongfully or to settle scores.

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We are now in a similar situation as young people agitate for change in their quest for a better Kenya. Soon kila young man ataanza kuitwa suspect and it will be very easy for malicious characters to frame them for crimes during these protests. Politicians too might “finish” potential competitors or opponents by framing them with such crimes.

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So, let’s be on the lookout so that we don’t end up losing our young people to enemies of progress.

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