My wife knew the day I was going to propose to her, and we planned everything together, but in the end, I surprised her


We agreed to go for dinner, and then I would propose to her. On that day, I called her mom and siblings and invited them to our family house. I got my family ready at home and invited my brother and his family for the proposal. I also called a few of our friends and invited them over.

When it was time for us to leave for the dinner, I picked her up as if we were going to dinner. On our way, my mom called and insisted that I come home (as we had planned). I pretended like I wasn’t going to turn back because I knew my wife would insist, and she did.

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When we got to our family house, I went inside and left her in the car. Then, I called her to say that my mom wanted to see her before we left.

As she walked into the sitting room, she was surprised by what she saw.

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She was very happy and excited.

She didn’t want a big crowd, so I invited only the people who mattered most to her.

It was a day I will never forget.

Love is a beautiful thing.

Desire it.


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