The Tragic Story of Willie Kimani, A Kenyan Lawyer Who Was Kílled For Helping His Client Against A Rogue Cop


When Rebecca Wanja received a Please Call Me SMS from an unknown number at 4PM June 23 2016, she ignored it .

The number later called her twice but like most Kenyans who think that every new number is a scammer, she didn’t pick them either.

Not knowing that the man calling was helping her husband who was trapped together with his lawyer & driver inside a container at Syokimau Police Post. They had been illegally detained by rogue cop Fredrick Leliman whose plan was sinister having not booked them on the OB.

So her quick response was the only thread of hope they hang on as Willie the lawyer, threw a scribbled tissue paper to the man wit this message.

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“Tafadhali pigia Rebeka mwambie ambie Rose, Willie na Mwenda wameshikwa na wako Syokimau kwa chief. Wako Hatarini.

Sadly her response was not as fast as they thought & by the time the bodaboda rider who was riding thru when he heard their distress call bought credit & texted her, it was already too late..

They cop killed them sth which haunts her to date..How they got here?

Well rebecca Wanja was the trusted wife of bodaboda operative Josephat Mwendwa who worked in the small town of Syokimau…

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Having dropped out of Rompo Secondary School in Form 2 due to lack of school fees since he was an orphan.

Jose moved from his rural home of Marimanti in Tharaka Nithi to Syokimau in search of greener pastures which were slowly provided by his uncle who not only supported him by funding him in a short course but also granted him a motorcycle.

Josephat being a young hardworking chap grabbed the opportunity with both hands & hustled his way in the fast growing town.

Like most boda operatives, he hanged along busy streets waiting for customers.

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