7 Ways Women Act In Marriage That Men Hate

  1. Nagging: You are fond of nagging without saying what the challenge is and you expect your spouse to figure it out.

If you continue nagging without talking, you will soon nag your love out of your husband’s heart.

  1. Complaining about everything he does. A lot of women are good complainers without action.

They are very good at complaining without bringing a solution or doing anything about what they are complaining about.

If you keep doing this to your husband, he will not take you seriously again, and whenever you start causing tr0uble, he might just see you as a barking dog.

You need to change.

  1. Hatred for his mother. If you don’t like his mother, you’ve made loving you difficult for him already.
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You don’t like his mother, and you show it at every given opportunity.

You need to understand that every man loves their mother, and you are not in any competition with this woman.

If you hate his mother for no reason, you don’t expect him to like you.

Talk about your issue, and dwell with understanding.

  1. Lack of appreciation: Everybody thrives on appreciation and it’s a key to do more.

Men hate it when all their wives do is complain without appreciating their efforts.

I was privileged to minister in a church last year, and a few months later, a lady chatted with me just to thank me for saving her marriage.

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She explained how they’ve been having issues. There was a lot of friction, and they were not talking to each other.

But when I came to their church, I spoke about appreciation in a way she had never heard of before, using myself as an example.

She started appreciating her husband; she didn’t allow any day to pass without intentionally looking for a good act and appreciating him for it.

What happened after a month or so was that their marriage became more intimate, they were able to talk about their issues, and they’ve been living fine ever since.

Humans thrive on appreciation, not complaining.


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