Tips For Men On How To Approach A Woman



  1. Have confidence; not pride. Confidence is attractive, women detest pride.
  2. Women are visual too, look good; it doesn’t have to be an expensive look, but look neat and attractive.
  3. Have a good-looking profile picture on social media. It shows how you view yourself. Having a picture not your own makes a woman question you.
  4. Post mature things on Facebook/Twitter; yes, women do research on a man who is presenting himself to her. Your posts could be wise quotes, posts on serious issues, humor, travels, fun; but they should be mature. Your posts reveal who you are and what occupies your mind most.
  5. Avoid compliments diarrhea, commenting flattering words on so many of her pictures yet you do don’t know each other well. When compliments are overdone by a stranger it can be spooky. Don’t overdo it. Don’t claim you love her yet you don’t even know her. Get a hold of your excitement.
  6. Request for her phone number, don’t demand it. If you have captured her attention, chances are, she will eventually give you her phone number; give her time.
  7. Make use of her phone number. Call her, ask her when is the best time to call her, send her messages or chat.
  8. Have content in your conversations. Don’t start a chat with her and have nothing to talk about. Women love it when the man takes charge of the conversation at the beginning.
  9. Avoid sexual compliments at the beginning. Don’t say “You’ve got amazing boobs”, ” such a fine butt you have”, “eish, sexy thighs”. It makes her think you are only after sex.
  10. Don’t go on and on making the conversation about you; your success, your cars, how far you have traveled, your money, the number of followers you have on social media. Women don’t like men who brag. Don’t think you are doing her a favor by being with her.
  11. Make her feel good about herself, build an environment where she can open up. Let her find herself doing much of the talking, ask questions,
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