Never Let A Day Go By Without Doing This

  1. Checking up on your spouse. It makes your spouse feel cared for and keeps you on the same page. When you love someone, you are concerned about their well-being
  2. Giving your spouse at least one compliment, “You have a lovely smile”, “You have a good heart”. It reinforces the good qualities in your spouse
  3. Wishing your spouse a “Good morning” or a “Good night”. It starts and ends the day right
  4. Touching your spouse, whether on the back, hand, fingers; anywhere. It fosters intimacy and releases feel good hormones
  5. Praying for your spouse. It is your daily responsibility
  6. Appreciating your spouse for at least one specific thing, not a general “Thank you”. It makes your spouse feel noticed and valued
  7. Giving your spouse eye contact, even if for a few minutes. It keeps you both from taking each other for granted
  8. Speaking a blessing to your spouse. You call into existence blessings upon your spouse, which in turn, get to you
  9. Sharing at least one meal, unless you have travelled. It fosters a sense of oneness
  10. Doing at least one kind act of service. It teaches you to not be selfish
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Love is nurtured and sustained by those little things you consistently do.

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