Fun: Meet Raila Odinga’s Bodyguard, Sebastian Kiplimo


He has been trained for 19 years, 9 in Israel 10 In Russia.

Has the ability to smell explosives and danger 300km away.

Has a visible bullet proof chest, 30mm away from his neck.

Fluently speaks over 45 languages Including Kalenjin, German, Chinese, Portuguese, Dholuo, French and Italiano.

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While walking, this guy is believed to move faster than an antelope.

He can move backward and forward at the same time at time interval of 0.001seconds.
He was once wanted by US security intelligent to train their highly expert security robots but he declined.

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He has the ability to smoke out a secretly armed person in a crowd of 10, 000 people within 30 seconds.

He can read ones’ mind and tell what you will be thinking of in the next 5 minutes.

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