Here Is The Ending Of Becky Series


From the beginning niljua Hakeem ni mtu ako roho safi sana,only that she was carried away na revenge after kumuona Amelia but venye time imeenda,amekaa akaona at some point Amelia ameteseka ya kutosha and now its time ya yeye mwenyewe kumsaidia and this is the best ending of Becky series.

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Imetufunza kusameheana na kusimama na maadui zetu na kutunza amani even if Lexy hataki and who even gives a f**k kama Ley hajafurahishwa,have never liked her even😂😂😂hata kakisikia vibaya bora Hakeem anasimama na mama yetu Amelia manze thats priceless and I just like how Jiffy walimto Martha na kumleta Amelia akawa mama yetu sasa,ju Iam sure hata mlikua mshasahau Martha akili iko kwa Amelia ona ni mimi nawakumbusha tu😂😂😂

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Hakeem,wa kuigwa mfano

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