7 Men You Must Avoid At All Cost



They prey on weak moments. They show up when you are in a bad shape. There is a weakness in almost every woman that makes them most vulnerable when they are in some kind of emotional issue or the other.

Generally women are like that. When you show a woman consistent unusual benevolence, especially when she is emotionally frustrated, she will try to look for a way to support you back and since a woman’s body is her biggest treasure, she is tempted to use it. She may not offer it, but may not resist if you try.

Again, when a woman is emotionally frustrated,she begins to crave for a shoulder to lean on and this is part of what makes her vulnerable.

Wicked Opportunists take advantage of these unguarded moments then used and dump the women.😢


They ruthlessly exploit women. These are the type of men that see women as trophies to be won rather hearts 💖to be loved.
They act like predator wild animals-👻THEY CHASE and they are good chasers!

They do everything to get you and when they do get you, they have their fill and dump you😭
You need the Holy Ghost to escape these ones.🏃🏃🏃🏃

One common thing about women is the fact that they love to be chased.💃 Even when they are married they want their man to maintain that initial energy. So these men get their preys, devour them and leave them bones and carcasses.😭


‘Woman Beaters’ can apply to men who verbally, mentally or physically abuse women to make up for their own weaknesses and insecurities. They usually don’t have much going in their lives and it makes them feel better to pick on women to make up for their failures__Urban Dictionary.

In our world today, there is a high increase in domestic violence.
Women are created to be loved 😍and cherished not to be used as punching bags.😠
Listen, once a man lifts his hand and beats you for the first time, he may never stop.
To men there is always a first time but scarcely never a last. If you find out he is a women beater, RUN!🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃

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It is usually the insecurity about a man’s position in your heart and life that fires up his jealousy.
But then, its becomes a big problem when jealousy turns to rage!
He wants to be your google map, hack your phone, set you up to see if you are faithful, always asks you who called etc.

They want to be your all in all, i.e your dad, mum, elder brother, teacher, pastor, they just want to play all the roles in your life. It is doubtlessly good to make efforts to keep your woman but you must also know that there are limits since she is an entity herself.


Let’s get this straight, cheating is NEVER ❌a mistake, its a choice. People know exactly what they are doing when they are flirting with the opposite sex.😳
I mean, look at all the processes involved in the action. You should forgive your partner if he/she cheats but quit when it becomes a lifestyle.

This guy confessed to me one day that he ‘accidentally’ cheated on his spouse and I asked him, “you mean you accidentally paid for hotel room, accidentally collected your balance, accidentally texted her the room number, accidentally removed her bra, accidentally removed her underwear?” And to the shock of my life he said “YES SIR” I told him “you are accidentally mad”.😠

First is happenstance, second is coincidence, third is devil’s👿 action. Don’t ever imagine that a chronic cheater will suddenly transform into a faithful husband because he is married to you. What a man is before the wedding day is what he is after the wedding day! Wedding does not change people, people make decisions to change.
So, until you see that change you hoped for, don’t go that road yet.

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My dear sister, love is demonstrated not only in the other room (which you must avoid because its a sin) but also in the giving of gifts. Its understandable if he does not have the money but if he has it and cannot spend a dime on you without a fight, he is stingy, avoid him.

Ladies, avoid rich men who would prefer to take you to a traditional doctor than to fly you to London for child delivery, e get why.


Please and please, STAY AWAY FROM THESE MEN! They just want to waste your precious God-given time for nothing. Stay, they will not stay. Go, they will not go.
They are just hanging there like a dry leaf in a rainy season.
He is never ready for commitment but he is always ready for the other room.

I have found out that men with commitment phobia are very sexually active and perhaps even promiscuous. In all your falling in love, never fall in love with a man with commitment phobia, it is nightmare.


Truth is, some men can be strangely cold hearted. They treat you like their fellow man. Its no news that women generally are more emotional and men more rational. Women need attention.

A woman needs you to call her for no reason at all. Men must therefore learn how to be a bit more emotional and women a bit more rational. When a man is distant, does not ask you about yourself, does not call or text, is self centered, treats you poorly, it is either does not love you or he is cold hearted.

Getting involved with such a person who is emotionally unavailable can be so frustrating and often leads to heartbreak. You deserve a healthier and a happier relationship, stay away from them.

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