8 Reasons Why You Might Still Be Single AS A Lady
After reading this post, you will understand some of the reasons you might still be single especially when you desire to settle down.
- High Expectations and Standards. Having high expectations and standards may be the reason why you are still single. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to have expectations and standards, but just make sure they are realistic.
There is no man anywhere that will meet all your expectations. You can’t find a man anywhere who has everything you want in a man. If you’re waiting to find such a man, you go tire. Have expectations and standards but make them realistic. There’s no Prince Charming anywhere.
- Past Relationship Trauma
You may be single because of your past traumatic relationship experiences. When you leave these unresolved issues from past relationships, they can hinder your ability to form new connections.
You have been cheated on, betrayed, disappointed, or suffered violence and these things have led you to have trust issues or fear of vulnerability. If you don’t deal with these issues, you may never give love a chance, and if you don’t give love a chance you will remain single.
- Work and Lifestyle Imbalance
Work and lifestyle imbalance are other things that may be responsible for your singleness. Some of you don’t have any social life, all you do is work, work and work then hide yourself in the secret place of your house.
Your work is important, your love life is also important. Therefore, create balance and give each area of your life the attention it deserves.
- Social Circles and Environment
Your social circles and environment are other things that may be responsible for your singles. I have seen and heard stories of ladies and some men in the UK lamenting that they are finding it difficult to find love interests due to their environment.
Some of the people I know today, I met them through my social circles, friends, colleagues, etc. If you are not meeting the right people, consider changing your environment and expanding your social circle.
- You are unhygienic
Being unkempt, dirty, and unhygienic may be the reasons behind your singleness. No man or anybody for that matter in his right senses will marry someone who is unkempt, dirty, and unhygienic.
If you’re the dirty type, work on that. It’s not healthy for you or anyone.
- You don’t care about your appearance
The way you dress will determine how you’re addressed. Men are visual beings, they’re are attracted by what they see. You may not be getting the attention you deserve because of your appearance.
Work and invest in your appearance, your dress, hair, skin, footwear, etc. Stop dressing shabbily and anyhow.
- Character Issues
Character issues are another thing that may be responsible for your singleness. You see, when a man wants to marry you, he pays attention to everything about you, your past, your character, the way you do things, etc.
You know yourself better and the things you struggle with. Don’t make excuses for them, work on them.
- You’re not visible enough
Another important reason why you might be single is that you are not visible enough. Jesus’ brother told Him one day that, a man who wants to be a public figure doesn’t hide himself in the secret.
Some of you hardly go out, to weddings, birthdays, functions, etc. All you do is hide yourself in your room with movies and stuff.
Even on social media, you’re a ghost. You post anything, you don’t engage in people’s posts, you’re just a monitoring spirit.
It is a man’s duty to find a wife, but it’s your duty to make yourself findable.
Be visible and strategically position yourself where you will be seen.
Join department in church and be active.
Volunteer in some NGO programs.
Post, engage, and be active on social media.
I didn’t say you should expose your nakedness.
There are other things that may be responsible for your singleness, it is not limited to the things I mentioned here, I will talk about it some other time.
Take some time and reassess yourself.
What kind of quality of men are coming for you?
Why are you still single even though you desire to have a family?
Do you have realistic expectations?
Have you dealt with your past relationship traumas?
Are so occupied with your career or business that you don’t have time for social events?
Are you sure your social circle and environment are not responsible?
Do you take care of yourself properly?
Do you have character issues?
Are you an asset or a liability?
Think about these things.
What other things do you think might be responsible for why many ladies are single? Let me know what you think in the comment below.
Thanks for reading.