UPDATE: Here Is The Summary from Cabinet meeting on security situation in the country following days riots


The members commended security officers, pointing out that they on the whole acted professionally in very difficult circumstances. The Cabinet also noted that security agencies did a good job of protecting the country from anarchists. On any officers who may have acted outside the confines of the law, the Cabinet said they will be dealt with in accordance with legal procedure and by the institutions mandated to do so.

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-The Cabinet also called for action against those who have committed heinous crimes of arson, looting and robbery, among others, saying such atrocities must not go unpunished.

-On the withdrawn Finance Bill, President Ruto said the National Treasury is reorganising the budget to accommodate the new reality.

-The Cabinet discussed the implementation of the Kenya Urban Improvement Project in the Nairobi Metropolitan Area.

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The Cabinet also approved the following Bills policies:

  1. Kenya Secondary Education Equity and Quality Improvement Programme
  2. Kenya-United Arab Emirates Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
  3. Co-Hosting of the Second Edition of the African Continental Free Trade Area Youth Symposium on September 5-7, 2024

4.Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill 2024.

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