Me when I was learning journalism in KIMC in South B I was very near to marry A Kalenjin girl


Me when I was learning journalism in KIMC in South B I was very near to marry Kalenjin girl. Her name she is called Chepkirui but we call her Chep to save time. Her she was doing mass communication of announcing in radio but me I was learning how to remove films.

Chep was not having big things of sitting on but she was fire. Her chest stand like heart of lion even without cover of milk, her stomach go inside and her skin was of one thousand. Child of people had bath me I am telling you, clean wealth. One day I throw lines and she enter box. And me is who? Another weekend I take her out we burn meat and go in field near Airtel Shop along Mombasa road to hug and sleep on grass.

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That day I tell her all. “Chep me I love you more than blood which flow in my roots of body. It’s like they have rogue me on you.” I say in small voice in her ear. She laughed and say in voice that can remove snake in hole “achamin we nenyu JB!” Then she put her head on my stomach. My heart start to twark twa twa twa!

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I catch her like nonesense. My hand go inside dress and it move inside like snake and she cry like baby. Me that time my front was disturbing me. My small leg was near to tear my trousers. We leave that place in night very tired and wanting to bath.

Me I have seen many. My youth has disturb me very much.

JB Omukangala, Author

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