A Wife Suspected Her Husband Of Having sx With The Helper, See What She Did


A wife suspected her husband of having s.ex with the helper, then she set a trap for the husband by sending the auntie to the village for weekend without telling the husband. At night, the husband told his usual story “Darling i want to go and watch soccer in the sitting room” and he left.

The wife silently went to the house maid’s room lying down on the bed naked without any light, and the door was open and someone join her on the bed without wasting time and without a word, he had se.x with her.

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After the fifth round she said, it’s enough, i have caught you, so this is how you use to have s.ex with her, and you will do two round with me and tell me you are tired; fifth round now you are still demanding for more hubby?

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The security shouted and replied “AM SORRY MADAM I DON’T KNOW YOU ARE THE ONE!

Madam shouted “OH MY GOD!”, then the husband rushed in and caught them.

Moral Lesson: Trust is one of the keys to a happy home. Suspicion could bring disaster in marriage in every ramifications.

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