Update: Here Is ODM Central Committee Statement On The State Of The Nation


The Central Committee of the Party has this morning held a meeting to deliberate on the ongoing crisis in Kenya. This meeting is happening at a most difficult time for our country given all that has happened in the last few weeks. We are acutely aware that many families are in mourning having lost their loved ones, with civil society groups estimating over 30 young Kenyans fell to regime bullets in the course of the street protests. Many of these families are yet to bury these victims.

On behalf of the entire ODM Party, the Central committee extends its deepest condolences to all those who have lost their loved ones and pray that God will comfort them in this time of tragedy.

We also know that many were injured and some are still in hospital. We wish all of them quick recovery. We are in awe of the Kenyan Youth, who through their unity of purpose have stood with their fallen colleagues and raised vast sums of money in very short times to pay hospital bills for the injured.

As a mass movement that has been on this journey of true liberation, we know how difficult it is to achieve some of the things we have seen you do. You have absolutely earned our respect and we salute you.

As believers in the Right to Peaceful Protest enshrined under Article 37, we condemn in the strongest terms possible the abuse of police power in the deployment of violent suppression techniques on innocent unarmed protester. Our position is that NO ONE HAS TO DIE whilst exercising this right.

We further condemn the ongoing arbitrary abductions of innocent Kenyans who are carted away in the most violent manner and held incommunicado for days. As we speak, reports are that upwards of 50 individuals have been illegally abducted and their whereabouts unknown.

To make it worse, it is clear that no one in Government ready to take responsibility render an apology and make amends. The head of state himself has tried to distance his regime from these killings, injuries and abductions, conjuring up theories when everyone can see the blood on his hands.

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We have the most callous, insensitive and obtuse regime in the History of Kenya. It is no wonder chants of “Ruto Must Go” are ringing out all across the land. Government must never abdicate its responsibility to protect the life and property of its citizens, and if it does, it deserves to go.

As a Party that was founded on the tenets of Social Justice, we shall walk the Journey of bringing about justice and accountability for all the regimes crimes since taking power.

We stand with the people in their quest to liberate themselves politically, socially and economically. Kenyans asked us to stand with them against the punitive tax proposals in the Finance Bill and we did.

Of the 115 Members of the National Assembly who voted against the Bill on the Floor 73, were members of ODM. We applaud these great patriots and thank them for being true representatives of the people. As a Party, we celebrate you for being on the right side of History.

Sadly, a few of our members went against the wishes of the people and sided with the oppressor. We will speak to the consequences shortly.

In light of this state of affairs, the meeting resolved as follows:

  1. That it is time for all of us in Political Leadership to begin to LISTEN! Listen to what the people are saying and NOT to our own voices. The young people have spoken in plain language that should be clear to everyone. Let’s not be vague, let us just do what the young people are telling the government to do.
  2. We consider this to be Kenya’s last best chance. The youth have given our country our last best chance. We either seize it and swim with it by implementing all their demands, or we ignore it and sink the country altogether.
  3. That the Kenya Kwanza Regime must take full responsibility for all the deaths, injuries and destruction of property arising from the violent suppression of peaceful protests. The President must publicly direct his security organs to forthwith cease the ongoing abductions; an exercise we believe is being undertaken with the full approval of the State. He must account for and order the release of all detainees abducted by his security agencies.
  4. That the Independent Police Oversight Authority expedites investigations into all these incidents, including allegations of mass murder by police in Githura and Rongai. We were shocked to watch the president claim live on television that only one life was lost. It tells you how out of touch he is with the reality.
  5. That in our view, what happened on the 25th of June 2024 amounted to a vote of no confidence in the regime. It is clear this fact is totally lost on Ruto. It is reflected in his petulant proposals on how we manage our economy following the rejection of his tax bill. Instead of focusing on cutting wastage, opulence and corruption in his regime, he is hitting back with threats to cut funding for the Judiciary and the County Governments.
  6. That the ODM Party will support credible austerity measures in the executive and parliament. These two institutions have been expressly indicted by the people as citadels of largesse and wastage. With fresh memory of the invasion of parliament and standing threats for occupation of the executive’s seat of power, these two institutions must have an honest introspection on their contribution to our current predicament and take measures to lessen the taxpayers’ burden. As a party funded by the taxpayer, we will be taking steps to scale down our presence and activities
  7. That the ODM Party shall initiate and lead recall processes in the following constituencies in light of the current office holders repeated violation of their sacred oath and the wishes of the electorate. Gem, Bondo, Navakholo, Kajiado Central, Ikolomani and Suba South
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