How Gabriel Oguda Was Allegedly Arrested at Night Before Gen Z Protest


Research and Policy Analyst Gabriel Oguda has penned down a compelling firsthand account of his recent ordeal at the hands of rogue Kenyan security agents.

In today’s issue of a local newspaper, the popular online commentator vividly describes the events of Monday, June 24, 2024, when armed plainclothes officers forcibly entered his Nairobi residence in the wee hours of the night under the guise of investigating a nonexistent threat.

Oguda says he initially mistook their approach for a neighbour’s noisy car but things quickly took a dramatic turn when the menacing men in a convoy of five vehicles began combing every blade of grass in his compound.

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They later apprehended and interrogated him under duress then went on to explain that they were not actually searching for a bomb but actually investigating social media activity related to his X (formerly Twitter) account after which Oguda was manhandled into the back seat of one of the Subaru Outbacks blocking the driveway into our court.

He cooperatively handed them all his gadgets.

The officers interrogated him in transit and questioned his background and activities related to recent protests.

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They were curious about the leader of the Gen Z movement.

Some other questions raised included how he makes his daily bread, weekly hobbies and monthly pay.

He was taken on a turbulent journey through Nairobi before being transferred to Kajiado police station under covert arrangements.

Following a viral social media campaign demanding the freedom of political detainees from the ongoing anti-government protests, Oguda was released without facing any charges on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

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