“Hata Kanisa Wamesema Hapana” Kalonzo Tells Ruto Ahead Of Gen Z State House Meeting


The wiper party leader Hon Kalonzo Musyoka has condemned the president of William Ruto for asking the Gen Z to give him their leader. According to the Wiper party leader Hon Kalonzo Musyoka, he revealed that Gen Z are leaderless and tribless and they can’t produce a leader.

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This has come when the president William Ruto asked the Gen Z to have leaders across 47 counties so that they can present their issues for considerations to the president William Ruto. Ruto is expected to hold a meeting with Gen Z’s leaders in State House.

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“Ruto, Gen Z have told you, Kenya, Africa and the world that they are leaderless and tribless. They are tired of your injustices against ALL Kenyans and want you gone.

Hata Kanisa wamesema hapana! Hebu sikiliza wasee”, Wiper party leader Hon Kalonzo Musyoka said.

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