On Friday night while sleeping alone on my bed in the middle of the night I rolled and touched someone on my bed



On Friday night while sleeping alone on my bed in the middle of the night I rolled and touched something or someone on my bed. At first I thought it to be my wife then I recall I had no wife and I slept alone.

Fear involved me and I sprang up quickly turning on the light in the room. “Babe what is it?” The person said with a sleepy voice. After turning on the room light I realized and got more shocked to see my wife on the bed I was curious to hear her story.

“Babe what happened where did you go to and how did you get in. I mean what happened?” I asked curiously as sleep left my eyes and joy filled my heart.

“Is that your problem, seeing me alone is not enough for you? Or maybe I should just leave since u won’t let somebody to sleep” my wife said trying to stand up with sleep in her eyes.

I immediately rushed to her and pleaded for her to stay while promising to let her rest. I couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night as I kept watching her sleep like a baby.

At Dawn she woke up to wash clothes, I was shocked because my wife knows that I work on Saturday’s from 8am-12pm and she always wakes up to prepare me meals when we were dating and she slept over.

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I was a bit angered and decided to confront her at the back yard where she was washing.

“Babe u didn’t prepare breakfast?” I asked softly.

“Aaah but you are not going to work today Na…. Or aren’t you doing an office work, Or do you eat as early as 6: 30?” She answered, looking very sure.

I felt a knot in my stomach, as I got lost in thoughts if actually she was the one saying that.

“But babe you know I work on Saturday from 8am to 12pm and you normally prepare my breakfast, what is all this Na” I sparked out, a bit provoked.

“Sorry it’s a joke I was just carried away by the washing please forgive Bibi?” She said making a silly face

“But babe Bibi is the name I use to call my elder sister why are you saying; forgive Bibi?” I asked as I was a bit confused and suspecting something was wrong .

“I just wanted to provoke you a little bit, remember what she did on our wedding?” She then laughed and walked out to the kitchen.

When I got to the office I invited David over after buying a wine that cost me ₦500k. David who worked not too far away from my office drove quickly to answer my call.

Upon David’s arrival I showed him the drink; he was anxious and asked what we were celebrating. He sparked and sang praises after hearing that my wife was back.

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“How did It happen! Guy explain, talk Na !” He urged as his voice was so loud. Other of my employees could hear us. He didn’t mind, although that was because I owned the company.

I explained everything that happened to David and also told him of my concern regarding my wife not remembering certain things. David saw it as less but only encouraged me to get the full gist about her sudden disappearance.

I returned from work that afternoon with David very happy. While coming the music in our car was so loud that people outside could hear it.

On getting home I was shocked to see my wife at home, because normally she goes to choir rehearsals on Saturday’s.

“Babe what are you doing at home?” I asked turned off from the happy mood I was in.

“Ooh you wanted to bring your side cheek. Where would I be if not home?” My wife answered in an angered tune.

Both I and David where shocked as we looked at each other astonished and replied together.

“You are the choir leader in your church and every Saturday is your rehearsals.”

“Ooh” she said and got up to prepared to leave for the rehearsals.

Stay tuned for the next episode…

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