Have you noticed that for the last one year, the political careers of Most of Azimio politicians was completely Dead?


Have you noticed that for the last one year, the political careers of MOST of Azimio politicians was completely DEAD? After Raila called off his demos in July 2023, Azimio lost relevance they had nothing to say. Kenyans had even forgotten that characters like Kalonzo, Karua, Jeremiah Kioni, and many others even exist….

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Kioni tried to organize even Limuru 3 meeting to incite Kikuyus AGAINST President William Ruto but two days after the meeting, no body remembered if there was such a meeting.

There are now trying to resuscitate their DEAD political careers hiding behind the recent Gen Z demonstrations on Finance Bill, now that the GENIUS Ruto saw their game plan and declined to sign the Bill into law, the self-centered Azimio politicians have to look for something else 👇 to sustain their DEAD political careers..

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