Painful Lessons About Life You Need To Learn And Accept

  1. The hurt caused by loved ones is the most painful because they are closest to you
  2. Sometimes God will allow you to go through tough moments; not because He is punishing you, but to prepare you and mould you. Most valuable lessons are not learnt in comfort
  3. Loving someone means putting yourself at risk of a heartbreak when you lose them, especially through death – but it is worth it
  4. The trauma from your childhood that you don’t heal from, can damage the blessings you were to enjoy in adult hood – heal
  5. Sometimes you are the biggest reason keeping you from progressing. Stop looking for someone to blame, look at you
  6. Your old age will be as good, as bad or as average as you prepare it during your energetic years
  7. Many times you will give your all to your children but they often fail to appreciate, perhaps until they become parents themselves – love them with your all still
  8. People who love you and try to correct you will eventually get tired of correcting you if you don’t heed to advice
  9. Time is the most precious commodity in life, ego and fear are its biggest threats. Ego will keep you from enjoying time with people, fear will keep you from making the most of the opportunities in life
  10. On the death bed, many regret how they treated their loved ones and wish they were given another chance to undo the damage caused
  11. If you divorce your spouse but don’t sort out your issues, you might take those issues into your next marriage. The same things your spouse was expecting from you, your future spouse will expect too
  12. The more mature a couple grows, the more they wonder what they used to fight about in the past. Sadly, this is after causing each other much hurt
  13. Pain is actually a gift to warn you that something in your life needs correction. Pay attention to your pain.
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