“The Enemy Is The Finance Bill, Not Aggressive Kenyans”, Gideon Moi


“Today, the nation mourns the loss of our young men and women whose lives were tragically cut short in the course of exercising their democratic rights to picket as enshrined in Article 37 of the Constitution. We convey our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of those who lost their loved ones.

However, it must not be lost on us that these unjustified deaths were occasioned by vehement opposition to the Finance Bill, 2024, and the situation is likely to be exacerbated with the impending deployment of KDF. Their duty is to protect our territorial integrity and not to kill innocent Kenyans exercising their democratic rights.

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To treat aggrieved Kenyans as the enemy, rather than addressing the Finance Bill itself, is to misdiagnose the economic turmoil facing the country. The people are braving harsh economic conditions with diminished household and disposable incomes yet they are treated to outlandish and flashy lifestyles public officials are indulging in.

Indeed, by assenting to the Finance Bill, 2024, the President will be making an already bad situation worse. Even as we urge for sobriety, the onus is now on the President to put the well-being of the country above anything else and return the Bill to Parliament.

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In the interim, the Finance Act, 2023 should remain in effect while the government undertakes austerity measures to cut down on excessive expenditure and seal loopholes of pilferage.

Additionally, it is imperative that the government embarks on creating a conducive environment for business and direct foreign investment, including manufacturing and value addition to create employment opportunities for our young people.

Without shifting our focus from taxation to industrialization, the continued increase in tax rates will not necessarily translate to increased tax revenues.

Hon. Gideon Moi
National Chairman – KANU

Nairobi, Wednesday, June 26, 2024″, Gideon Moi says.

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