Sée How Githurai Residents Receive Babu Owino Today After The Alleged Mass Shooting


The Embakasi east member of Parliament Hon Babu Owino today in the afternoon went to mourn with the residents of Githurai who were affected by the yesterday’s demonstration. According to the post which was shared on the social media platforms by the Embakasi east member of Parliament, Hon Babu Owino revealed that it is sad for young youths to loose their lives as they express their ideas.

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This has come after there was allegedly a mass shooting by the KDF officers yesterday at night. “Today,together with starehe MP Hon.Amos Mwago,we went to mourn with the People of Githurai in Kiambu County after yesterday’s massacre which consumed so many lives.Ruto has lost trust of Kenyans”, Babu Owino said.

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