My husband would beat me for any little mistakes even when I did nothing


My husband would beat me for any little mistakes even when I did nothing wrong he would beat me blue black.

This behavior of his started on our wedding night when we were about to sleep after bathing he told me to use a body cream which I declined and he knows too well that I don’t use cream at night to avoid heat, my husband got furious and landed an heavy punch on me, i was scared and shocked cus that was the first time I’m seeing my husband like that, turned out that the sweet man I fell in love with is a monster( wife beater).
I hoped that he would change but this continued for years.

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This is my two years in this marriage without being able to carry pregnancy for once, my husband would force me to take abortion pills anytime I’m pregnant, I was not allowed to visit any relatives and they are not allowed to visit to. My husband is always with my phone and anytime i received call from friends or family asking to pay a visit I would be forced to decline and always be forced to act like everything is alright between i and my husband.
One fateful day I summoned courage to file for divorce, but my husband threatened to expose my secret to the police.. I was short of words and could not do a thing because this is how he has always threaten to expose my secret each time I tried to leave the marriage

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