What Will Happen In State House When Police Will Be Leaving To Haiti


I MAY be crazy but I thought when our Haiti police missionaries depart, there would be a ceremony at State House. A public, presidential send off.

I mean, getting our cops to Haiti has been preached like a matter of life and death. It was almost treasonable to imagine Kenya will not send cops to Haiti.

They are leaving tommorow, but sneaking out like a top secret. They may not even use the JKIA. And they are leaving Kenya with their arms, si ati watapewa wakifika huko. Why now? We should be proud of offering our boys to the UN for this mission.

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And dont tell me its a security affair nyef nyef…its only a security affair to Haiti.

In any case we ave always celebrated peace keepers and handed them a Kenyan flag to represent us out there. We have done this since Nyayo era. Why are these ones being smuggled out like kindukulu?

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Anyway, our officers are good. I proposed we pick the very best and I am sure that was done. I wish them all the best and I sincerely do. In their hands and watch, may Haiti streets be safe again. Safer than Sumburu and Baringo counties. May they reflect the best image of Kenya.
God bless.

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