Why You Should Learn To Adapt To Changes In Relationship


“It must be done my way” has ruined marriages. If only many prepare ahead to make room for changes, things would have been lots better.

Change they say is inevitable. It is one of the most difficult things to do. Falling in love with someone requires a lot of sacrifices; sometimes it may stretch you out of your way. Before you fall in love you must be willing to accept flexibility in your relationship.

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Change can sometimes come in two ways, it’s either you change for your partner, or adjust for the changes in your partner. That is, on your part, there are things your partner may not like that you need to let go, on the other hand, there are things you would love your partner to change and they might not, you will have to adjust to accommodate them.

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The reality is that you need to have in mind that being in a relationship with someone will surely demand a change. For the relationship to thrive, both of you need to keep adjusting to accommodate each other’s strengths, weaknesses and other stuff that may come long.

Think about this and work towards it before you fall in love. If you already find love, create room for adjustments.

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