My Wife Is The Calmest Woman I Have Ever Seen


Even in the midst of chaos, you will never see her complaining.

That God has given me such a wife does not mean I should maltreat or take advantage of her.

Because if I take advantage of her and push her to the wall, she might change, and I would not like it.

So, as a wise man, I don’t take advantage of her.

The fact that she does not complain about some things does not mean I should keep doing them even when I know it is not fully okay.

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So sometimes I sit by myself and reflect on my attitude, look at where I am not doing so well, and self-correct.

The fact that she does not nag about money or provision does not mean I should not think about it.

Sometimes I sit and reflect on the amount I give her, and I decide to increase it.

Listen, when you marry a peaceful person, that does not mean you should take advantage of them.

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Even when they do not complain, please, once in a while, reevaluate your actions towards them.

You will definitely see where you can make corrections or do better.

Just the way I think about my job and how to do better to get a promotion, that is exactly how I think about my family and how I can be better.

Your marriage will grow to the degree at which you give your all to it.

Go and build your sweet home.

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