Lakini kama kuna mwanasiasa Bure Kabisa hii Kenya ni mtu anaitwa ‘Watermelon’


Lakini kama kuna mwanasiasa bure Kabisa hii Kenya ni mtu anaitwa Kalonzo Musyoka.

Yaani anasalimia tu village elder Rigathi Gachagua dakika tu mbili anaanza kusema; “Oooh Rigathi is a reformer, Ooooh Rigathi fought for second liberation, Ooh Rigathi is a freedom fighter that can take this country Kenya to another level?”

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Which Rigathi Gachagua?? Mtu alikuwa DO wa Molo in 1992 and was persecuting his fellow Kikuyus like Matiba that were fighting the then government ndiye Kalonzo anaita reformer that they can work with?

I have told you severally guys the reason Ruto will easily win in 2027, it is the kind of opponents he is likely to face, Sasa mtu kama Kalonzo who has been in politics since 1985 with NOTHING to show even in Ukambani ndiye mnaexpect akomboe Kenya 2027? 😂😂

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