I was in the palour when my husband walked In, Here Is What I Did


I was in the palour when my husband walked in. I just felt disgusted by his presence.

I quickly moved my face elsewhere as if I didn’t see him.

“Mummy, won’t you welcome your husband?”. He said.

I moved my gaze to his direction. I looked at him from head to toe and let out a very loud sigh. I stood up and left the palour.

My husband became instantly weak. He sat on the couch with his head bowed down. He was like that for over two hours. I couldn’t care more.

He came to the room. I wanted to leave the room when he held my hands.

“Baby what’s the issue”. He asked.

“What’s not the issue?”. I fired.

“Baby please talk to me”. He pleaded.

“Just leave me alone”. I insisted.

“Is it because of the Christmas money I haven’t given to you?”. He asked languidly.

“Why won’t I be angry? You never provide for this family. I have told you to get a side hustle but you wouldn’t listen. I haven’t gotten clothes for the children yet. Foodstuffs we haven’t bought. I am just tired of this marriage I won’t lie. For crying out loud, you are a vulcanizer before you got this office job. Why not combine it since your salary is not enough?”. I kept on ranting nonstop.

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“Baby you know I almost died the last time the machine developed a fault when I was pumping a tyre. I still suffer from PTSD”. He said.

“Excuses again”. I said.

Okay baby, give me for now till next week I will do something”. He pleaded.

“Don’t near me till then”. I said and walked out.

I kept on avoiding him. My children even noticed but I assured them that mummy and daddy weren’t fighting.

Few days later, I was having lunch with my children when my phone rang. My first son was with my phone. He brought it to me. I saw it was my husband calling. I was hesitant for a while but I had to take the call because of my son who was watching.

“Hello”. I said with lack of interest.

“Ma please come to St. Thomas hospital, something happened to your husband”. A man said.

I jumped up immediately.

I ran straight to the hospital immediately. I met my husband who was on a life support. He was critically injured.

I met Uche his friend. I kept on crying.

“What happened to him?”. I asked crying.

“I told him not to come to the workshop today but he wouldn’t listen”. Uche said.

“Tell me what happened to my husband”. I shouted.

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“Oh! so now you care about him abi?”.Uche flared up.

I couldn’t say anything.

“Do you know that your husband’s BP is terribly high?”. Uche asked.

I was surprised.

“Do you know he has fainted twice at his office and the second time he was sacked?”.

I opened my mouth wide opened.

“He will always come crying to me. He always come over to my workshop because he couldn’t tell you he was jobless. He complained that you were demanding for money and he didn’t know what to do. I told him he could work in my workshop whenever I am out for outside jobs since he was once a vulcanizer. I was out today when my neighbor called and told me what happened”.

He paused for a moment.

“Your husband was pumping a customer tyre when his hands began to shake but he didn’t stop. The tyre got busted and the breeze threw him and the customer on the floor. He fell on the road and an incoming car ran him over. The customer is in the other ward though not critically injured”. Uche said.

I couldn’t stop crying. I went close to my husband and held his hands.

“Honey please don’t die. The kids and I still need you”.

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