“Huyo Boy Alichomoka” See What This Young Man Did After Being Arrested By Police


This guy made my morning.🤣🤣🙏. The cop thought he had him, up to the last minute. Little did he know, the young man had other thoughts. He played cool, he never resisted arrest,walked majestically to where the police van had been parked, and the best thing with the cop, he never clobbered him.

The two were at peace…untillllll. A split of a second, he did an Omanyala…akapiga hii kitu hiii kitu , the way Abel Mutua puts it. Yaaaani he was so relaxed. I am sure that cop, is still wondering what happened. Huyo boy, alichomoka… Omanyalla should be a worried man if he sees this clip 🤣🤣🤣🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.. That’s a sprinter…Good morning Kenya. Mtakuja kuniuwa siku Moja hakiii🤣


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