Here Is The Love Story Of “Her Nipplés And The Unemployed Husband”



HUSBAND: What are you doing?

WIFE: What?

HUSBAND: Do you want me to be unemployed?

WIFE: What do you mean?

HUSBAND: Look, you are rubbing your nipple. That is my job? Don’t do my job. I don’t want to be unemployed

WIFE: (Smiling) I was just doing it cause it feels good

HUSBAND: I know it feels good. It is my job to make you feel good

WIFE: I didn’t even notice. I was just doing it as I was reading

HUSBAND: (Moving closer to her) Darling, if ever you want your nipples to feel good, tell me. I will rub them, lick them, suck them, pinch them… anything to make you feel good

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WIFE: I love how you play with them. Sometimes I want you to touch them but I don’t want to disturb you

HUSBAND: (Sucking her left nipple) You have the right to disturb me anytime you want to feel good

WIFE: (Moaning) Ahh… that feels so good. Why are men so obsessed with a woman’s breasts?

HUSBAND: I don’t know about other men but I am obsessed with your breasts. How your nipples erect, how they feel in my mouth, the tenderness of your boobs, the scent of your chest, the beauty of their form. You turn me on

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WIFE: You turn me on too. Please suck one of the nipples and rub the other

HUSBAND: Tasty you are my Love

WIFE: (Moaning) Oh Baby it feels good. You are not unemployed. Thank you also for not being a husband who masturbates, it is my job to give you pleasure.

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