After Being Kicked Out Of Power, Donald Trump Did The Following


After being kicked out of power, Donald Trump went back to regroup.
He allowed Biden to make all kinds of blunders right from taxation, and immigration to security. He allowed Biden to blunder in Ukraine and Afghanistan to.
Why? Because when your enemy is making a mistake, you remain silent and hope that he makes more and more mistakes, so that kicking him out becomes very easy, just like Trump is doing to Biden.

If you truly believe that Ruto is making huge blunders, why not celebrate him to continue making the blunders, so that in 3 years time you kick him out?
If you hate him, why not celebrate his mess, so that 2027 he gets less than 10% of the votes as you truly sing “yote yawezakana bila Ruto”

Also Read  Ruto now dares Kenyans to impeach him

Why then would you “stop” your enemy from messing?
Clear because you know that he is working well, and the only way is to disrupt him.
Last year you blamed him for high unga prices, and he put structures and nobody is talking about unga prices…

Acknowledging that there is a problem with youth unemployment, he has negotiated with 19 countries for Bilateral Labour Agreements, the most prominent one being with Germany making us the only sub Sahara African country to have the privilege. This was signed in May 16 this year and we are to send up to 250,000 Kenyans to Germany.
On social media, he convinced Facebook to start monetization of accounts. You can now earn money from your Facebook account… We join South Africa, Egypt and Nigeria as the only African countries with this privilege..
Do you understand why his enemies would get jittery? Because this is one person who knows exactly what he is doing and is passionate about dealing with the youth… And in any case, he is the only leader known to invest in young people.. Look at Kiborek Reuben, how he was lifted from nowhere… Which other politician has a similar track record?

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Let us look at issues from factual points of view… And not just emotional and sponsored hate

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