Before You Propose OR Approach That Beautiful Lady Better Know This


First understand that in today’s society ladies are moving with love price tags, low love for guys with less cash, medium love for guys able to provide 3 out of 6 of her requests & high love for the man able to provide 8 out of the 6 things she asks for, in their minds based on who is the big spender amongst all is the real owner of the big cake, if monkey or crocodile had money definitely ladies would call monkey sweetest words like babe momo or if it’s crocodile they would call it honey cro cro, so just be ready to spend on a lady no matter what.

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Many guys are crying and wailing on top of their voices like birds on a tree top saying I’m dating a working class lady but still she is demanding for money from them, bros if you want go date Oprah the billionaire she will still demand from you so better be ready to spend because women of today’s society can’t settle with a completely broke man who can’t provide not even a spoon.

Before thinking of jumping into any relationship with a lady please make sure you hustle and you are able to provide 1 or 2 for her, if you are unable then please don’t jump into it and better focus on building your life first before you hook yourself into a big problem of shame/embarrassment because it’s embarrassing to fail to provide for your lady as a man everytime she asks for something, so please weigh yourself well well everytime you want to propose a lady because relationships are stressful if you are broke, bros if you can’t afford better don’t try it because you will end up suffering from stroke, BP & hypertension, will continue this topic the other day.

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Listen attentively & stay blessed.

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