“My rich uncle once promised me a bicycle and an iPad and I’ve never seen them till today”, Young Boy Reveals


“My rich uncle once promised me a bicycle and an iPad and I’ve never seen them till today but it motivated me to work harder.” Nasty Blaq. “The difference between somebody that is from a rich family and somebody that is from the stréets is the fact that, when we was crawling, he was walking and when we was walking, he was already running.

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I know I didn’t come from a rich family but I didn’t work too much because I had a rich uncle who always promised to give me things. When I went to my uncle’s house, they had things like chefs, cleaners and all these things. The chefs used to bÄ™g my uncle’s kids like ” David, won’t you eat?” David was my cousin’s name.

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Anytime I saw this, I got ãngry because I didn’t understand why they’ll be beggîng someone to Ä™at. In our own house, if you didn’t eat, it was your pröblem because they’ll even eat your own food.” Nasty Blaq.

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