Don’t Marry Anyone Without A Conviction


A brother told me how he got 5 different revelations about a sister he wanted to marry. In one of those revelations, he said he saw where he was in the midst of some brothers gorgeously adorned in suits and then a voice asked the sister, “Who is your husband among these brothers?”

Then, the sister pointed at him, that he was her husband and he woke up. He told me that he narrated these 5 revelations to the sister hoping he would convince her to marry him but the sister told him that, she hadn’t seen or gotten any revelation or conviction.

I told him that, you don’t use your conviction to convince another person to marry you. You have to allow her to get her conviction too.

Maybe this story is related to yours, you have seen or gotten revelations, leads, and convictions about a particular brother or sister but the said brother or sister hasn’t seen or gotten any revelation or conviction, please allow the person to get his or her revelation or conviction too.

You got a revelation where an Angel wedded you and a particular sister…

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You got a prophecy where they gave you the name of the brother, his number, house address, and the food he ate last night…

You saw where the sister was in your house cooking for you, sweeping and arranging the house keeping things in order…

You saw the brother where he proposed to you with a diamond ring…

But the brother and the sister haven’t seen or gotten any revelation or conviction about you, allow him or her.

Don’t force anyone to marry you based on your revelation or conviction you had about him or her.

Don’t make the person feel as if he or she is making a big mistake if the person doesn’t marry you.

Allow the person to get his revelation or conviction.

If you have a revelation or conviction about a person, it’s for your consumption, you don’t have to tell the person but you can make your intention known to the person and then allow the person to get his or her conviction and revelation.

On there hand, don’t marry anyone because they told you that they saw or heard something about you, try and see or hear something about them too.

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Let the equation be balanced.

If God told the person you’re his wife or her husband, no problem but let God also confirm the same to you.

God cannot go about talking to people about you without saying anything to you, as important as marriage is.

No matter the signs and wonders God has shown to the person if you’re not convinced yourself, don’t marry the person.

You cannot last in marriage on one person’s conviction.

Conviction is NOT

👉He or she is a Christian
👉Well connected
👉Fair complexioned

Conviction IS

👉God spoke to you about the person
👉You have an inner witness
👉You have peace beyond understanding
👉You heard an inner of the Spirit
👉You have a strong leading towards the person

Don’t marry anyone without a conviction.

Because that is your anchor âš“ in challenging times and seasons.

Did you gain anything from this, let me know in the comment below.

Thanks for reading.

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