10 Reasons Why You Should Not Date A Fat Woman


TEN reasons why you should not date a FAT woman:

  1. They hate their bodies and therefore hate themselves. They will project their anger on you messing with your daily momentum.
  2. They have low self-esteem. You will spend your resources selling your attention to her all the time instead of focusing on your goals.
  3. They eat all the time because they are addicted to sugar. Their mouths are forever busy. If they are not projecting their anger in you, they are eating ice cream.
  4. If they don’t eat, they are grumpy and moody. You will also begin eating like them in an attempt to be part of their gluttony. You will also be fat in the process.
  5. They have insulin resistance or prediabetes. These predispose them to endless illnesses like flu, migraine headaches and even hypertension. You will spend your time in the hospital corridors instead of spending your time building your business.
  6. They have fertility problems ranging from fibroids to PCOS. Fertility is what attracts a man to a woman. It is her value. What is the point of dating a woman who has a fertility problem?
  7. If she gets pregnant, she will struggle with the pregnancy because of pregnancy-related complications like hypertension, diabetes, low lying placenta etc.
  8. She is a perfect candidate for an emergency caesarean section or may give birth to a baby with a congenital malformation or the baby will be malnourished because the mother will be giving it soda and pizza instead of bone broth and pumpkins.
  9. She is a perfect candidate for depression. She thinks everyone doesn’t like her because of her fatness. If you show any signs of abandoning her, she will threaten to commit suicide or she will take a knife to stab you.
  10. You have been working hard for that chiselled body and six-pack. You don’t deserve a fat woman. She should also work hard to lose weight. If she doesn’t want to lose weight, then lose your interest in her. Have you ever heard how women describe fat men with utter disdain and contempt?
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BONUS: She is lazy, she cannot do simple house chores like cooking or laundry. She’d rather dial a food delivery than cook. She is lazy and poor in bed.

If you feel offended, go lose weight.

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