“We Were A Happy Family Till Our Father Lost His Job”, Daughter Says


My Dad provided all we needed as children. We were a happy family till he lost his job. My dad was a banker. He started telling my mum how he would like to quickly finish his house with the savings he had so we can move there while he keeps looking for another job.

My mum kept telling him No that she can’t live in a local place. Yes, the place is local but you need to see the fine house my dad was building there. At a point, my dad ignored her and started doing the house but my mum kept requesting for money like when he was working…He will plead with her but she will quarrel and fight him.

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My siblings and I kept warning our mother but she never listened to us. My dad managed to finish the house, let us move, she refused.

One of the days, While they were arguing, she pushed him and that was my father became partially paralyzed on a part of his body.

Although,She has apologized but I and my siblings refused to let her move with us. Let her remain there or do whatever she wants.

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My elder ones send her monthly upkeep but we don’t want her near our dad.

My dad is getting better and healthier now but you see my mum, none of us talk to her anymore.

We told her that until the day our father is ok before we will discuss with her again.

It is painful but we saw how she tormented him and changed because he lost his job.

I hope you guys understand our point of view,many men suffer alot silently because of the kind of ladies they marry,my own mum turned into a beast.

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