Lady Narrates How Her Marriage Ended In 2 Days


Saline Vicks, a sensational TikToker, left many debating on June 1 when she revealed that her marriage ended two days after having a luxurious SDA wedding.

According to Saline, she dated her then-husband for four years and they never truly got to know each other. She claimed that during visits, she would sleep on the couch while he slept in the bedroom, making her believe that having sex before marriage is indeed a sin.

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Minutes turned to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, and weeks to months. Eventually, the duo found themselves walking down the aisle. When it was time to know each other, she discovered that her husband is bisexual, which explained his reluctance to have sex with her.

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“I’m sorry, I feared that you would leave me after knowing my status. Please accept me the way I am,” the man reportedly told Saline before she walked out of the room, heartbroken.

What advice can you offer to Saline? More details in the comments section 👇👇👇

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