5 Signs You Are Dating A Boy


1) His Mum/Dad (Family) have the final Say

You can both decide on something today and tomorrow, he’ll come and say “My Mum said that it won’t work, so let’s forget it.” He ALWAYS consults him Mother/Father before doing anything.

His family runs his life, this is different from listening to his family, a Man can listen to and consult his family, but his final decision is based on his convictions, but a Boy will always dance to the tune of his family, even if he has a contrary conviction, even if it puts his wife and marriage in a tight corner.

2) He isn’t financially responsible for his Life

A man is thinking of raising kids, building a home, so he starts to work towards financial independence, working, earning, saving and investing.

A Boy is still much intersted in having fun while unashamedly depending on people around him for money.

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He borrows money from you and doesn’t pay back.

At 30 he doesn’t have a job, isn’t even intersted in getting one, instead he wants overnight money (bet9ja, western poll, inheritance etc)

3) He keeps Malice as if it is nutritious.

Forget about age, A Man is a MATURED Male, 20 or 40.

A Boy is an IMMATURE Male, 15 or 35

When you guys have a misunderstanding, he will keep the issue in his mind for days, refuse to call you or take your calls, giving you attitude like a spoilt baby, refuse to accept your apologies, such a Man will marry you and refuse to eat your food should you guys have a misunderstanding,

4) He doesn’t know what he wants.

He is with you, and he keeps flirting with ladies.

He loves you, but won’t leave his ex alone

He doesn’t seem to have a focus or bearing, you can’t seem to get exactly what he wants to do with his life, such a boy doesn’t need a woman, he needs a purpose and a life.

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5) He’s always complaining.

He never takes responsibility for anything, it’s never his fault.

His ex was the problem

His parents didn’t give him enough love and attention

His rich uncle abandoned him

He would have gone far in life by now, but for the bad government.

Excuses, Excuses, Excsuses are all he ever has to give.

He is a Boy.

When you marry a Boy as a lady, you will become a MOTHER without ever becoming a WIFE.

A Man is a Male with Purpose, Direction, and a will/capacity to take Responsibility for his life.

Genesis 2:24 “Therefore shall a MAN leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”

Dear Lady, choose Well





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