Facts About Kenyan Girls And Breakups


When you DUMP a GIRL from KISII , she will make a SCENE for you.

When you DUMP a GIRL from KISUMU, she will BEAT you up and FORCE you to LOVE her again whether you want to or not.

When you DUMP an KAKAMEGA GIRL, she will CRY DAY and NIGHT.

When you DUMP a GIRL from UKAMBANI she will BEWITCH you and you will WAKE UP with your Balls on your FACE..

When you DUMP an LAMU, she will try to make up to you and ask you to kindly give her another chance.

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When you DUMP a GIRL from WEBUYE especially an BUKUSU GIRL, she won’t even notice. She will be easy removing her jiggers and eating her SWEET POTATOES.

When you DUMP a NYERI GIRL, she will turn her BEDROOM into a BREWERY and DRINK your thoughts away.

Try to DUMP a GIRL from HOMABAY and she will SLEEP AROUND with all your FRIENDS.

You don’t wanna know about NAROK GIRLS, DUMP her today in TWO WEEKS, you will be invited to her WEDDING.

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Never DUMP a GIRL from SIAYA, if you try it, she will TEMPT your FATHER and become your STEPMOTHER..

DUMP a GIRL from WEST POKOT , she will report you to her DAD in the ARMY and you will MARRY her at GUN POINT.

, she will SLEEP with your GRAND FATHER and become your other GRAND MOTHER.


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