Reason Why Women With A High Body Count Are A Red Flag To Most Men


Does it matter if a woman has a high body count? It really does matter, big YES. We as men we do care about women’s body count. Women who have had lots of séxual partners is a BIG NO NO and it’s a massive RED FLAG.

•The more séxual partners a women has the less likely she will be able to pair bond with her man in a relationship.

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•Let’s say if you are only in your early 20s and already in double digits or getting there then let me tell you that your considered as DAMAGED GOODS.

•This means you just don’t value yourself at all and you have been sharing your body cheaply with just anyone, probably sleeping with all the men you meet or date.

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•We as men are NOT gonna think “Wow she is experience” we ARE gonna think. What STD’s are you carrying ? Are you that cheap, Are u likely gonna cheat on us ?, and how much baggage are u carrying ? We would not even feel safe having sex with that type of women.

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