“Uncle Please It’s Paining Me” Our House help Said


“Uncle please it’s paining me” bamidele screamed in agony as my dad kept thrusting in and out of her.

I laid on the bed and watched my dad ràpé our house help who was just 11 years old, I was 12 months old, there was nothing a baby like me could do to help.

She cried, screamed and even tried to push my dad away buh he overpowered her and despite seeing her in much anguish and pain he didn’t stop until he was satisfied.

“If you tell anybody pim I will send you back to the village” my dad threatened with his face more menacing than a raging bull.

“Yes…Yes ..un..un.cle I won’t” replied bamidele shivering in fear and exhaustion.

The village was one place bamidele feared the most cause she once lived there with her parents before they were kīlled right in front of her by terrorists.

“Oya go and take your bath and complete your chores before my wife comes back” my dad roared, bamidele wasted no time in doing as she was told.

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She did all her chores as fast as she could buh my mom came home before she could finish.

My mom didn’t hesitate to beat the daylight out of bamidele injuring her in the process

Despite being raped and abused several times by my parents bamidele never for once treated me bad infact I was her best friend

Sometimes she would carry me in her arms and begin to tell me about how bad my parents were treating her, she usually cried whenever she does this and not knowing what to do I would use my hands to wipe her tears just the way she wipes mine whenever I’m crying

Bamidele endured torture hoping that someday she would be free from it buh sadly things don’t always go the way we hope they would

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On the 24th of December while I was been breast fed by my mother, bamidele ran into the house crying that she needs help, that she was bitten by a snake while weeding the grasses in the compound

“I have a meeting to attend now, take care of Dera when I come back I will check the wound” my mum replied ,as usual bamidele did as she was told

My mom left and few minutes later bamidele began to loose consciousness,she cried buh there was nobody to help her, and in a matter of seconds she died

Just right before she gave up her ghost,she looked at me with her failing eyes and smiled

“Life was really bad for her buh she died right beside someone she loves and who loves her back”

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