Touch Her In These Places, She Loves It


Every traveller needs a map for directions and this is the essence of our topic for today. Women differ one from another. While some women like ice cream, others are satisfied with a bowl of soaked garri, sugar and lots of groundnut (winks). Even in the Bible while Queen Esther was a tender praying woman, Deborah was a warrior that stood at battle front.

Women love being touched a lot during sex. It stirs things up for intimacy. Some like been touched in some areas more than others but there are some body parts that are feel good zones for most women and we love when we are touched there. They include :

1.Her Hair: You want to satisfy your wifey, during intimacy, run your fingers through her hair. I know some of you would start saying we wear weavons and wigs… Oh well just touch our hair.

  1. Her Neck: The feeling of having your neck rubbed gently as a woman is relaxing. Touch her neck and work your way around to drop love kisses around.
  2. Her Ear: Nibble at her ear. Kiss her there. Am not saying you should deep all your tongue into her ears o. That one might be a bit disgusting. It’s only puppies that do that.
  3. Her back: Touch her back, rub and caress it gently. It sends off tension from her body. You can even be generous to kiss her all over the back. It’s not too much to do for your wife abi.
  4. Her Butt: learn to squeeze her butts during intimacy. It helps her release tension and sends exciting hormones all over her body whether it’s flat or curved, still find something to squeeze there.
  5. Lastly hold her hands. It shows how deeply connected you are to her. Touch her hand and kiss her fingers.
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There are other parts, but as a man you can’t go out of your wives graces if you touch her at these parts.

Dear women, where do you like to be touched? Men start taking notes
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Silas Kwagh-hange

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