“Luke am sorry I couldn’t tell you how much I loved you” My Boss Told Me


I noticed that my boss did not come to work for days and any time I tried to call him, his line would not be reachable.This was very unusual of him as he was a workaholic and never missed work except he travelled for important meetings and we were quite close, so if he was to go any where he would have informed me.

I brought the attention of some of my colleagues to this matter but most of them didn’t seem to care, they told me not to worry and that our boss was and unpredictable man so maybe he decided to take a month off everything work related.

I was not convinced so I decided to visit his house one unfaithful evening after work. On getting there I realized something,the gateman was not on duty and no security personnel was around.This was quite unusual because my boss was a very influencial man and was always surrounded by bodyguards who were armed with guns. I also realized that there was no electricity light.

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The more I saw all these,the more my curiosity increased, after passing through the opened gate,I entered the main compound and approached the main parlor door, I knocked several times but there was no answer,I finally gave up and was about going when the door sprang wide open. The place was beginning to get dark so I lit up my phone torchlight and entered inside.

I was convinced my boss was in there,I had not gone up to three steps when I saw something it was really dark so I turned my torchlight to the direction of what I saw and to my greatest shock it was my boss looking dead, I screamed in fear and was about running out when he grabbed my hand and called my name name. “Luke am sorry I couldn’t tell you how much I loved you,am sorry it had to end this way,I willed the company to you because I knew I was gonna die. his coming,he won’t show you mercy and he will destroy you please run!” My boss said and letting go of my hand.

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I ran as fast as I could just screaming the blood of Jesus,the more I ran the more I heard his voice still telling me to run!.

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