Details Of Iranian President Who Died In A Plane Crash


UPDATE: The President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi is now Confirmed to have Died in a Helicopter Crash yesterday in Northwestern Iran due to challenging weather conditions..

He was traveling in a Bell 212 helicopter powered by a single engine, accompanied by other officials, including the foreign minister who alsp perished.

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-Rais has president since August, 2021.

  • Won 62.9% of the vote at 2021 presidential election, critics question fairness of vote.
  • Considered a hardliner and ally of Supreme Leader of Ali Khamenei.
  • Considered as a possible successor of Khamenei as Supreme Leader.
  • Critics call him the ‘B-utcher of Tehran’ for role in ex-ecution of political prisoners in the late 80s as part of role on prosecution committee.
  • Kill-ed in helicopter crash together with his foreign minister few moments after inspecting dam Project
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